FFA121 - Week Two Exercise 0.3 (Characters with three diferent poses) [Tri Girl step by step proses]

2 [Tw]0.3

This is the last project for week 2 exercise. Introducing the Tri Girl (Triangle Girl), inspired by a girl that can't trust herself, but rather listen to other than her family and the social media. (What a waste of life). So, she beheaded herself to look like the others, instead ruining herself and make it uglier....

Ok enough Bla Bla Bla.... To the progresssss !!!!

  1. Like always, draw a figure using the basic shapes and sketch the character. But here, I lost the shape part. So, lets just skip it to the sketching part. OK!?
  2. Details the figure. FYI this is the most nice figure I have ever make.
  3. Color it with basic color
  4. Add more details using color
  5. Add tone
And were are done for the last project for this week. Haha so happy.

Hope you like it. Bubye !!


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